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Wired Body Caddis Bead Head Soft Hackle Nymph

Wired Body Caddis Bead Head Soft Hackle Nymph

With this pattern we look to the wire wrapping technique inspired by Barry Ord Clark.  This technique allows you to wrap your wire body without losing the symmetrical form of the hook, and body of your fly.  We believe it also simplifies the process of tying, and adds to the aesthetics of this fly.  although the aesthetics of how it looks may not impact how effectively they bring fish to the net, as a tier I try to tie flies that also look good.  This pattern is simple in only using a couple of materials, making it a quick tie.  With this pattern you can change up the color of your materials to better match the Caddis you are working to mimic.  As you can see we implemented a purple theme in the featured image, and although there are no purple colored Caddis the color purple is a vastly effective color in the water depths as it holds it color better than other colors.  The video shown shows it in a color combination to match the October Caddis hatch, that provides some amazing opportunities for trophy fish.  Caddis are a vastly important food source for trout, and an insect that is found all over the world. Make sure to add your own personality into the flies you are tying, and any pattern you see.   

Materials List

Hook: Moonlit Competition Barbless Wide Gape Jig ML058 sz10-16 you may substitute with the Moonlit Togatta ML501

Bead: Moonlit Tungsten Slotted Copper bead to match hook

Thread: Semperfli Classic Waxed 12/0 Fluorescent Orange

Body: Semperfli Tying Wire .2mm Brown, Light  Gold (also used as ribbing)

Thorax: Vicuna Dubbing UV Fiery Brown

Hackle: Whiting Brahma Golden Brown can substitute with a Hen Grizzly Dyed Saddle


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