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Quill Body Parachute Ant Dry Fly Pattern

Quill Body Parachute Ant Dry Fly Pattern

If you have never fished an ant pattern before, than you have been missing out.  Ants are easily one of the most readily accessible food sources for fish with the pure abundance of them found along streams, rivers, and lakes alike.  Because of that fish are eager to partake of this morsel.  This pattern sits low in the water column which increases the hook up rate, and with the parachute and Kapok dubbing floats really well.  Ants are great attractor patterns when nothing else is hatching and you are wanting to get a strike and take on top.

This pattern can be fished alone and by itself, or you can fish a dropper below it.  If you haven't checked out our Salvation Ant pattern it is a sunken bead head ant that is killer effective dropped below this pattern.  We have found our greatest success fishing these patterns close to banks, and over hanging trees.  Don't over look your up stream drift, cross swing, and fishing them off of ripples.  Sometimes something different to heavily fished fish in these riffles produce some of the largest fish.

60 Second Fly Tying Short


Materials List

Hook: Moonlit ML062 sz 14-16

Thread: Semperfli Classic Waxed 8/0 Rust

Body: Semperfli Medium Perfect Quill Substitute

Thorax: Semperfli Kapok Dubbing Rust

Post: Semperfli Cream Poly Yarn

Hackle: Whiting Coachman Brown Dyed Grizzly


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