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Moonlit Fly Fishing

  • Our Midnight Sculpin Fly Pattern
    August 6, 2021

    Our Midnight Sculpin Fly Pattern

    Sculpins are a very important food source for Trout.  Because of this it is important that you carry a few patterns to imitate these baitfish.  They are different than a trout minnow, or minnow of another species in that they...

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  • Purple Haze Bead Head Soft Hackle Nymph
    August 2, 2021

    Purple Haze Bead Head Soft Hackle Nymph

      The Purple Haze Parachute Dry Fly is one of the most used and productive dry flies in the west today.  There is something magical about the color purple and how it holds its color as it transcends into the...

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  • Pheasant Tail Soft Hackle Nymph
    June 29, 2021

    Pheasant Tail Soft Hackle Nymph

    As many of you know we don't really tie traditional nymph patterns, and replace the traditional pattern with a soft hackle version.  We do this because the soft hackle brings the fly to life even on a natural dead drift...

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  • Tungsten Jig Euro Bugger Streamer
    June 17, 2021

    Tungsten Jig Euro Bugger Streamer

    The Tungsten Jig Euro Bugger is the perfect pattern for anyone who is Tactical Nymphing or Euro Nymphing to fish Streamers with.  Don't miss out on targeting those aggressive fish looking for a big meal.  This pattern can be tied...

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