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2Bit Hooker Rubber Leg Nymph (Two Bit Hooker Nymph)

2Bit Hooker Rubber Leg Nymph (Two Bit Hooker Nymph)

2Bit Hooker Rubber Leg Nymph

This is a play on Charlie Cravens' incredibly popular and effective pattern called the Two Bit Hooker.  As always Charlie comes up with a brilliant solution to getting flies down into the feeding zone quickly with the Two Bit Hooker using 2 smaller-sized tungsten beads vs way oversized beads leaving the fly unproportioned.  This pattern is tied as a Mayfly imitation nymph, which is equally effective as a dropper, or used on a double nymph set up as a point fly.  With the added weight and profile this pattern is deadly fishing on a Euro, Tight Line, or Indicator method as it quickly gets into the feeding zone. We like to size down the second bead as well to help keep a more uniform and natural taper to our fly, also helping the fly sink better as well.

Our favorite size as always with most everything is a size 14 but is equally deadly tied in larger and smaller sizes as well.  The color variations are endless, but today we will tie it in our favorite and most productive color of Purple/Black.  We use the Fluoro Purple for our second bead for some added flash, but a Black bead could be used as well.

We prefer tying this pattern as almost all our nymphs are on a jig hook as well.  This is for a few reasons.  First, it allows for a cleaner drift and fewer snags.  This means fewer lost flies and more time with the fly in the water in front of fish.  Second, we get a cleaner hook set and more hookups.  This is because we are setting the hook into the roof of the fish's mouth, where we are able to keep better tension, and control as we land the fish.  Translation, more fish to the net and fewer frustrations.

Tying Video Tutorial


Materials List:


Previous article The Dance of Feathers and Thread: Unraveling the Partridge and Orange Soft Hackle Pattern


Dale - May 2, 2023

Nice Brandon, I am going to spin up a few and test drive them this weekend in the Boise River on the Umbra 10’ 3wt. I will let you know how I fare.

Good catching up at the EIFTE show.


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