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Guides Choice BWO Biot Body Nymph
Fish feed the majority of the time subsurface underneath the water column. This means that having a variety of flies tied to get into the zone quickly is important. This pattern does just that, and more. We call this Guides Choice for three reasons. First, the pattern is deadly effective and brings fish to net. Second, it is extremely quick to tie meaning I can tie a lot of them in a short period of time. Third, and last but not least it is very durable and will take a beating and keep on ticking!
We tie and fish this pattern in sizes between 14 to 18. Its slim profile allows it to sink into the feeding zone quickly, helping it find more opportunities for fish. We love the simplicity of this pattern, and carry it with us on all our trips. With Blue Wing Olives hatching a majority of the year, their lifecycle is important to have stocked in your arsenal.
Materials List:
- Thread: Semperfli Classic Waxed 12/0 Olive Dun
- Hook: Moonlit Togatta Premium Competition Barbless ML501 sz14-16
- ML058 sz14-18
- Bead: Moonlit Slotted Tungsten Apple/Pale Olive 3.0mm or size to match hook
- Tail: Olive Dyed Pheasant Tail
- Body: Magpie Wild Barred Turkey Biot Olive Dun
- Thorax: Green Peter Vicuna Dubbing
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