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Claret Red and Black Midge Soft Hackle Emerger

Claret Red and Black Midge Soft Hackle Emerger

Midges are an insect that hatches year round, but more importantly a vital food source during the colder months while there is less abundance of food sources for fish to choose from.  Due to the small sizes of these bugs they can be frustrating to tie.  Simplicity is key when tying a good midge pattern.  This pattern utilizes few materials, that make it easier to tie a clean fly.  It is also very durable, and effective so we classify this pattern as one of our Guide Flies.  Quick to tie, durable, and effective at catching fish.

Claret Red and Black Midge Soft Hackle Emerger

This pattern is one we like to tie, and with only 3 different materials (4 if you count the marker) we can tie a bunch in no time.  This pattern is a great one to have on hand when you see fish poking their noses at the surface, but seemingly refusing to take your fly.  We fish it primarily as a trailing pattern off of a Midge Dry Fly Pattern, or off of a weighted nymph.  This gives us double the opportunity to catch a fish, and fish at two different feeding zones at a time.  This can be fished on its own as well with great success though as well.  Check out the tying video and leave us a comment and like it as well.  Materials list below.

Materials List:

  • Hook: Moonlit Competition Barbless ML051 sz16-20 (substitute with Togatta Premium ML201)
  • Bead: Moonlit Tungsten Bead 2.4mm (size to match hook)
  • Thread: Semperfli Classic Waxed 12/0 Claret
  • Body: Semperfli Classic Waxed 12/0 Claret
  • Rib: Dark Grey or Black Alcohol Marker or Sharpie
  • Thorax: Semperfli Black Kapok Dubbing
  • Hackle: Whiting Black Hen Cape (substitute Grizzly for Black)
Previous article Greenwell's Spider Soft Hackle


Brian Frederick Larson - August 17, 2023

I don’t see the bead, in material list.

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